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AGM at the Rotary Convention 2019 in Hamburg

Printed From: ICUFR Web
Category: ICUFR
Forum Name: ICUFR Annual General Meeting 2018
Forum Description: Online AGM of the ICUFR fellowship
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Printed Date: 03 Feb 2019 at 11:28pm
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Topic: AGM at the Rotary Convention 2019 in Hamburg
Posted By: Iggenhausen
Subject: AGM at the Rotary Convention 2019 in Hamburg
Date Posted: 13 Jul 2018 at 6:25am
Dear Freinds in Rotary,
I would like to propose, that we will have a "live" AGM in Hamburg.

As a German I have contacts to our host committee in Hamburg and private contacts in Hamburg as well and would like to set up a live meeting, which has not been held in several years.

Please let me know, if you would join me.

Date, time and location will be according to your answers.

Moritz v. Eckardstein
Chairman ICUFR

Posted By: danielsaab
Date Posted: 28 Jul 2018 at 1:53pm
Dear ICUFR Friends
i suscribed in the ICUFR group some years ago, but i don't receive monthly letters nor ICUFR digest.
Is there a whatsapp group ?

On the other side with some friends from our Rotary Club of Guayaquil, we are planning to attend Hamburg 2019.

Any help or suggestions are well receive

Daniel Saab
RC of Guayaquil

Posted By: Roger Siddle
Date Posted: 25 Dec 2018 at 11:45am
I have registered for the Hamburg Convention and have booked hotel accommodation.  If we are still able to visit Europe after the current Brexit shambles, we will fly in Saturday and fly home on Thursday.


Roger Siddle

Kendal RC

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