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Report of the Chairman

Printed From: ICUFR Web
Category: ICUFR
Forum Name: ICUFR Annual General Meeting 2018
Forum Description: Online AGM of the ICUFR fellowship
URL: https:///
Printed Date: 03 Feb 2019 at 11:26pm
Software Version: Web Wiz Forums 11.04 - https:///

Topic: Report of the Chairman
Posted By: Roger Siddle
Subject: Report of the Chairman
Date Posted: 14 Jun 2018 at 9:35pm


During the Rotary Year 2017-18, we continued our thrust on Membership Development and Member Engagement, online updation of member details and real time recording of member activities.

Our membership as on 10th June 2018 was 829. We now have members from 93 countries, in 700 clubs in 297 districts. We hope to expand this coverage and increase the membership substantially during the forthcoming years.

We keep our members engaged through our website, web forum and newsletters. Though there is much interaction taking place on the websites, we want to peak this in the coming years. Every member activity online is recorded and the data is used to study the Engagement patterns of our members and plan activities accordingly.

Discussions are under way to run a couple of international projects in which our members could participate individually to implement these projects as well as increase the interaction between members.

We are also working on our websites to make them GDPR-compliant shortly. The bylaws also need to be modified to sync with the new technological and social advances. The suggested amendments will be finalized and put up for voting by the membership shortly.

Another upcoming activity is the publishing of the newsletter called ICUFR DIGEST for June 2018, which is under preparation. A Roster of Members as on 30th June 2018 also will be ready by that time. Members can download their copies by following the links on the website or in the mails sent to them individually.

At this juncture, I wish to place on record my gratitude to my current Board of Directors – Secretary Jawad Shami, Treasurer and Past Chairman Roger Siddle, Directors Carl Cardey, Marco Kappenberger and Past Chairman James Kalassery for their co-operation in making this year, a most fruitful one.

In Rotary Fellowship,

Rtn Moritz von Eckardstein,

Chairman 2017-19.

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Roger Siddle

Kendal RC

Posted By: James Kalassery
Date Posted: 22 Jul 2018 at 1:27am
The report may be treated as passed. Thanks

James Kalassery,
ICUFR Chair 2015-17.
RC Cochin Sunrise,
D3201, India.

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